10 Must-See Matches From WWE SmackDown 2002

3. Hulk Hogan Vs. Brock Lesnar - August 8, 2002

Chris Jericho Edge Steel Cage 2002

One August 8, 2002, Hulkamania as fans knew and loved it died a miserable, bloody death as Brock Lesnar squashed him in grand fashion. With a WWE Undisputed Championship match against The Rock at stake, The Next Big Thing tore the WWE icon apart, breaking him down and forcing him into unconsciousness with a vice-like bear hug.

The victory not only propelled Lesnar into the main event stratosphere, it established him as the new face of professional wrestling in the Ruthless Aggression era. Superstars did not simply destroy the iconic Hogan in the way the Beast just had.

An entire company was destroyed by Hogan's unwillingness to put others over. For Lesnar to obliterate The Hulkster in the manner he did signified a changing of the guard and the final chapter of wrestling's once-great hero in any role other than that of a sideshow attraction.

Lesnar would use the win to set up his SummerSlam victory over The Rock. While that victory over The Great One may be more historically significance, the SmackDown match with Hogan was the moment Lesnar became a bonafide star in the eyes of many.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.