10 Mysteries WWE Never Explained

2. Who Tried To Kill Vince Again?

Vince McMahon Million Dollar Mania angle

Someone cast Vinnie Mac as the star of the next Final Destination flick now. The boss was like a character from those films between 2007-08. Not only was he blown up in a limousine, but the WWE chief was also unceremoniously maimed by staging after giving away millions of dollars live on air.

He did it... for The Rock. OK, not really. He did it for the ratings.

At the end of his 'Million Dollar Mania' publicity stunt, Vince looked on in horror as C4 (or some other explosive device used in demolition) exploded part of the set and a big piece of the rig landed on top of him. Triple H and Stephanie rushed to his aid, and their crocodile tears were almost as unconvincing as the tale's end result.

Whomever tried to kill McMahon got away with it. Vince worked off screen until the following January and returned as a babyface who was definitely not dead. The angle was never talked about outside a few window-dressing 'get well soon' skits, and there was no ending.

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