10 Name-Drops You Never Thought WWE Would Allow (But They Somehow Did)

6. CM Punk Mentions Everyone

You knew it was only going to be a matter of time before this legendary 'pipe bomb' found its way onto our list.

So, without further ado, let's deconstruct exactly how many awe inspiring name-drops the mighty CM Punk managed to cram into his glorious cross-legged 2011 promo.

Being given free rein to say whatever he wanted about a company he had quite clearly become disenchanted with, Punk let rip on everyone from Hulk Hogan to Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson to Vince McMahon himself.

He then clearly referenced breaking the fourth wall and went on to reveal himself as a Paul Heyman guy (a man not mentioned in the company for years) just like Brock Lesnar was before he split.

Yet, the real kicker came when Punk announced that he would defend the WWE title in the likes of New Japan and Ring of Honor, when he won it from John Cena at Money in the Bank - reserving a special wink for his old pal Colt Cabana.

Both of those companies had been whispered about but never openly mentioned on WWE television. Yet, Punk still sat there - pipe bomb in hand - and threw caution to the wind in highlighting exactly how big the wrestling world actually was outside of McMahon's baby.

The boss probably didn't approve of being dragged through the mud on such a global stage. However, this iconic promo lit a fire under Punk's belly and began the fan-enforced rise of one of the biggest stars in modern WWE history.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...