10 Nastiest Backstage Incidents In Wrestling History

4. Vader vs. 'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff

Vader Orndorff Two of the genuinely hardest men in any wrestling promotion were Leon €˜Big Van Vader€™ White and Paul €˜Mr. Wonderful€™ Orndorff. There was never any love lost between the two headstrong, hard-bitten wrestlers, and in 1995 while both were working for WCW, matters escalated backstage. Both had form for extreme violence involving ears, Vader infamously being involved in Mick Foley€™s in-ring accident in Munich in 1994 while Orndorff allegedly bit off part of travelling buddy Tony Atlas€™ ear in a roadside fight after an argument. While both men tell different stories as to what occurred, it appears that agent Orndorff was furious with Vader for missing a photo shoot, while Vader was adamant that he had permission to miss the shoot. Orndorff lost his rag and began insulting and squaring up to the superheavyweight: however he was wearing flip flops, and due to the nerve damage that would end his career, was working for WCW with only one good arm. Nonetheless, the legitimately badass €˜Mr. Wonderful€™ would end up tagging Vader several times before the fight was broken up, and White would end up losing his job over the incident, going to the WWF. WCW, in one of their earliest bouts of using real life shenanigans to promote their worked product, then claimed that Orndorff had proved that WCW talent was tougher than WWF talent.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.