10 Nastiest Backstage Incidents In Wrestling History

3. CM Punk vs. Teddy Hart

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBOXKckoebk In February 2004, two of the indie scene€™s loudest and most notorious talents bumped into one another while grabbing something to eat at TNA catering hangout The White Trash Café in Nashville, Tennessee. Unfortunately, Phil €˜CM Punk€™ Brooks and Edward €˜Teddy Hart€™ Annis had major heat with one another stemming from an incident at a Ring Of Honor show the previous November. Booked on the show to tag in a four-way scramble cage match, Annis had behaved extraordinarily unprofessionally, performing several unplanned and dangerous spots after his match, then throwing up in front of fans. Punk, ROH€™s head trainer at the time, had written an informal, brutally honest open letter online lambasting Annis over the incident, and over Annis€™ well-known propensity to behave in this way. Hart had responded by making wild claims that the proudly straight edge CM Punk was a secret drinker and junkie. Not cool, Teddy. Fast forward a few months, and both men were in town for TV tapings, having been drafted by TNA in a lower card capacity. The confrontation became physical at the café after Hart asked Punk to step outside: from all reports, several punches were thrown and Hart may have had the upper hand before ECW legend Sabu stepped in to break it up. Both men sported cuts and bruises on their faces following the incident. Eleven years on, Hart€™s reputation on the indie circuit as a flaky, unreliable stoner douchebag has been set in stone, currently capped off with a warrant for his arrest on two counts of sexual assault. Meanwhile, Punk went on to sign with the WWE and make his name and fortune as one of the most popular WWE superstars of all time, was the longest reigning WWE champion of the past quarter of a century, and retired from professional wrestling in 2014 a rich, happily married 35 year old. Not that anyone€™s counting, but of the two men, Punk is winning at life.
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CM Punk
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.