10 New Career Options For CM Punk

6. English Teacher

CM Punk Teacher Follow CM Punk on Twitter and you'll know that he has very little tolerance for bad grammar and thinks nothing of calling out those who dare to tweet him without using a spell check, so the English language is something that he is extremely passionate about. And why not? He's an intelligent and well spoken person who cares deeply about helping others, including his illiterate Internet fans. In fact, he is so passionate about it that he released a series of vignettes on the Nerdist's Youtube channel called Grammar Slam, in which Punk tackles some basic English errors he has received from some of his 'haters', such as the commonly mistaken they're and their. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13FV1GaA20I You could argue that the English language is dying, in part because of the Internet and text speak, so the world needs Mr Punk to teach our youth of today and to deliver a top rope elbow drop to poor grammar before it's too late. He's already a role model and looked up to by so many, so he surely he is the perfect candidate. Although he may have to sort that temper out first, just a little bit. Or perhaps we can even take this one step further ...
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CM Punk
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Ian is a North Eastern lad who has written across a variety of mediums. An avid tea drinker with a custard cream addiction, Ian is the guardian of five foot tall inflatable penguin called Kevin.