10 New Contenders For AJ Lee's WWE Diva Championship

2. Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox is a workhorse. For the longest time, she was criticised because she€™d flip between face and heel so much but that€™s actually a result of her greatest quality: she does exactly what€™s asked of her and she€™ll knock it out of the park every single time. When AJ Lee took the summer off and Tamina got injured, Alicia Fox was finally given the chance to really carry the Divas division and the development of her new character was one of the most captivating things on WWE TV. Plus, her matches were consistently great on top of all that. She has the prettiest Northern Lights Suplex you€™ll ever see, and her Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker looks devestating. With her new €œBFF€ failing to capture the championship from AJ at Hell in a Cell, now is the time for Alicia to step back up and take it for herself. She has the agility and the power to be really impressive in the ring, and really give AJ a run for her money. Plus, the two Divas have very similar yet wildly different personalities that would sure be explosive when put next to each other.

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