10 New Contenders For AJ Lee's WWE Diva Championship

1. Nikki Bella

Who would have thought that Nikki Bella would be the €œShawn Michaels€ of the Bella Twins? When it became apparant that WWE were splitting the Bellas up, most fans expected Brie to be the better Bella, perhaps unfairly due to both Bellas€™ respective partners and those fans internalised opinions on those wrestlers. Here were are a few months later, and Nikki is absolutely dominating both in the ring and on the mic. While Brie still looks a bit unconfident in the role she€™s been given as a solo star, Nikki has grabbed the bull by the horns and is one of the most convincing characters on the roster. Even when she€™s delivering weird €œBrie was totally evil€ promos, there€™s a level of believability in them that is down to Nikki€™s delivery of them. Now that she€™s knocked off her sister, it only makes sense for Stephanie McMahon and The Authority to reward Nikki with a shot at the WWE Divas Championship. If Nikki remains as dominant as she has been the past few months, we could see a brand new champion a lot sooner than later.

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