10 New Directions After WWE Crown Jewel 2022

4. Drew McIntyre Gunning For IC?

Bray Wyatt The Fiend

On the subject of IC Titles...

...how about Drew McIntyre challenging GUNTHER? Can you imagine the bouts those boys would have? They might even be able to top the ones Drew's real-life pal Sheamus had with the big Austrian. Of course, WWE might not be quite finished with McIntyre's Karrion Kross beef either.

Scarlett effectively f*cking up led to Drew's win in the cage match on Saturday night. Perhaps there's one more gimmick showing in the pipeline for this underrated feud, then McIntyre can move on. If not, then he'd be a great choice as GUNTHER's next foe.

The Scot hits hard, and he likes when peers hit him back. Physicality has always been a hallmark of Drew's in-ring style, and that'd suit GUNTHER down to the ground. Honestly, programming McIntyre vs. GUNTHER for Survivor Series: WarGames is a great shout.

Yes, yes this writer does just want to see them clash for selfish reasons. HIT HIM!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.