10 New Directions After WWE Crown Jewel 2022

3. Bobby Lashley Going Full-On Heel

Bray Wyatt The Fiend

Hmm. Bobby Lashley's babyface experiment could be over unless WWE's announcers explain his post-match attack on Brock Lesnar away as frustration. After all, Lashley dominated the opener then got caught with a Bret Hart-esque pinning combo and lost the match.

There was something very heel-sh about his work in Saudi though.

That ran parallel to the bizarre visual of seeing Brock f'n Lesnar play underdog babyface in distress for most of his appearance. This doesn't happen too often, probably because Brock looks like he could punch concrete blocks into outer space without breaking a sweat.

The interesting way WWE formatted their match suggests that Bobby is now the villain of the piece and will start exhibiting old Hurt Business-style mannerisms during promos and follow-up bouts on Raw. A few heel 101 squashes of undercard babyfaces and sneering interviews would be enough to re-cast him as a baddie again.

It's a guess, but it seems likely.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.