10 New Directions For AEW After All In 2023

3. Chris Jericho As “AEW’s Undertaker”

AEW Will Ospreay Sting

Chris Jericho has been likened to AEW's very own version of late-era Undertaker for a while now. He isn't exactly a panic button for Khan and chums to press, but Jericho is handy when somebody needs elevated. Unlike Action Andretti or Ricky Starks though, Will Ospreay benefitted big time from beating the ex-Y2J.

Doing the honours at Wembley was a colossal moment in Jericho's career. He'll surely wrestle sporadically heading into 2024, because there's no need for anything beyond special appearances anymore. Jericho, AEW fans and AEW's product as a whole wouldn't gain anything from having Chris work every single week on TV.

That'd be unnecessary.

From here on out, he must be cast as a special attraction kind of star. AEW is already well on the road to doing exactly that, but it's time to make this crystal clear to everyone watching on TV. Also, try on another babyface turn to see if we can't build some more killer heels around the place.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.