10 New Directions For AEW After Full Gear 2023

6. Full-Blown Snot-Nosed EVP Young Bucks

AEW Devil Revealed


Matt and Nick Jackson are about to do a whole load of wailing after losing their guaranteed title shot to Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho on Saturday night. The Bucks are mega-p*ssed at Omega especially. How could he let that...that...outsider Jericho invade The Elite's nest and start calling the shots?!

The pair's post-match temper tantrum was part of a full-blown descent into snotty EVP madness. Don't be surprised if Matt and Nick start trying to reassert their power over things by spewing wild lines like, 'We f*cking run this place, damn it!'. That'll grate on fans if it's packaged in an elitist (ha) way.

Going proper whiny heel isn't particularly new for these guys, but it is clear The Bucks need to so something other than work spot-heavy matches that are good but reek of a duo going through the motions because they've got nothing to liven things up with.

This is their chance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.