10 New Directions For WWE After Backlash 2023

8. Bianca Belair Goes Heel?

Seth Rollins WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Meanwhile, it's likely time for Bianca Belair to go heel.

This isn't meant as a knee-jerk reaction to San Juan siding with IYO SKY during the Backlash opener. Belair has been baby for years now though, and Puerto Rico's booing could be indicative of something bigger. Are people tired of Bianca's smiley babyface act? If so, change it now.

It's hardly like Belair would struggle as a villain. She played one before, and did so very well. Having her lord it over the SmackDown women's division and eventually get her comeuppance around SummerSlam sounds fun, and it's fair to say a heel turn would extend this title reign further.

That's surely something WWE would be interested in. Belair is a big star, but she's been stuffed away in mediocre/throwaway situations for too long. Backlash should've shown those calling the shots that she's a f*cking wonderful performer who deserves better.

It's rogue time for the EST.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.