10 New Directions For WWE After Clash At The Castle 2024

3. Cody Rhodes: ‘The Hard Edge Era’

CM Punk Drew McIntyre Revenge

Aggression is nothing new for Cody Rhodes, but he's been showing a lot more of it recently. Currently, the Undisputed Champ is going through his Hulk Hogan in 1992 era. He didn't need to smash AJ Styles with those steel steps once the heel had shouted, "I QUIT!" at Clash, but Cody did anyway.

That was his 'pulling Sid Justice out of the ring like a bad sport' moment.

This is precisely the kind of edge Rhodes needed to survive as top babyface in WWE though. He couldn't keep getting hoodwinked by villains out to get him, y'know? Smart wrestlers adapt, and the best learn from history to hone their game. That's all Cody is doing by being such a weapon-wielding badass.

His cheap shot was a receipt for AJ's bullsh*t. Styles faked a Mark Henry-style retirement to lure Rhodes back into the ring for another title crack, and he probs deserved to be potato'ed for such snaky behaviour. The important thing is that Cody continues being mean, albeit only when his enemies merit that kind of viciousness.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.