10 New Directions For WWE After Elimination Chamber 2024

7. A Tag-Team Split

The Rock Cody Rhodes WWE

Meanwhile, another duo is heading for splitsville.

Grayson Waller watched on as Austin Theory had his arse handed to him by Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes over in Australia. Homecoming hero Grayson didn't help at all, presumably so he wouldn't spoil his babyface reaction from the Perth fans. Hmm. One can still smell a split coming.

WWE has dropped the ball a wee bit with Theory and Waller anyway. Their feud opposite Kevin Owens was absolutely dreadful, and they haven't been doing much of anything since. The smart play would be reversing what was implied here and having Austin assume the babyface role though.

Domestic crowds are unlikely to root for Grayson weekly, so Theory would have to play the face. Certainly worse ideas out there than having those guys split before WrestleMania and then face one another in a grudge match on the undercard. If there's room for that sort of thing, of course.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.