10 New Directions For WWE After Elimination Chamber 2024

6. LA Knight’s Revenge On AJ Styles

The Rock Cody Rhodes WWE

"If there's room for that sort of thing, of course". There might not be room for more grudges, because one LA Knight and AJ Styles already have a simmering rivalry that just boiled over this weekend. They're all but locked in for a one-on-one clash (a Styles Clash?! Hahahahahaha...sorry) at 'Mania themselves.

The last bit of setup to get there was f'n brilliant. AJ sneaked into the Chamber cage as officials helped an injured Bobby Lashley out of there, and he battered Knight with vicious steel chair shots. Styles went full-blown Rock at Royal Rumble 1999 with that thing, and effectively cost LA the chance to win.

There will be repercussions for the one-time OC leader.

AJ's beatdown pretty much moved LA Knight out of the suspected United States Title challenger role and back into a match scenario vs. Styles. Hopefully, LA will now become WWE's very own dark Knight and vow revenge. Alright, enough rubbish wordplay for now.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.