10 New Directions For WWE After Money In The Bank 2023

9. Damage CTRL Splitting Up

Jey Uso WWE SummerSlam 2023

Bayley and IYO SKY claimed they're still a united front during the post-MITB press conference. However, upon leaving, Bayley tried to grab the briefcase and IYO snatched it back. Expect to see lots more of that on SmackDown over the next month or so, basically - that Damage CTRL split is inevitable at some point.

The leader's jealousy will come to the fore, and there's actually a chance Bayley will wreck SKY's cash-in bid by costing her the chance to become Women's World Champion. OK, so that'd make IYO's MITB win a complete waste, but don't rule it out if WWE wants to get to Bayley vs. SKY.

Wheels are in motion for a split regardless of how Triple H plays this.

It'll be interesting to see how big a part the injured Dakota Kai has in all of this, if any. The company might elect to have her react to Bayley and IYO's tension on the backend when she eventually returns. Or, the product could've moved on by then.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.