10 New Directions For WWE After Royal Rumble 2022

WrestleMania challenges, tag-teams splitting up, new champions and more Royal Rumble fallout.

Ronda Rousey Becky Lynch

Hold onto your hats.

Royal Rumble is officially in the history books, and WWE will now put everything they have into making WrestleMania 38 massive. Before that, they'll also stop off in Saudi Arabia to turn heads with the first international Elimination Chamber show ever. That's a mere speed bump on the way to Dallas though, and everyone knows it.

Drive over speed bumps fast enough and they tend to shake things up - is it unrealistic to expect some of that in Saudi? Would WWE really pivot with Raw's top title picture again and promote something totally fresh come 'Mania? They might have to, because the SmackDown side has a familiar feel to it.

Brock Lesnar's Rumble win means he's all-but-guaranteed to show up on Fridays more often. Then, there's Ronda Rousey. Her own Rumble triumph gives WWE the chance to book a one-on-one match that got away three years ago.

Some old favourites who starred on Saturday's pay-per-view may also stick around and give creative even more in the way of options for tasty 'Mania bouts.

Here's what to expect between now-Texas in April...

10. Some Old Favourites Stick Around

Ronda Rousey Becky Lynch

Lita's recent promo on SmackDown teased that she'd be doing more than just appearing in the Rumble during 'Mania season. WWE will probably book a SmackDown Women's Title shot (possibly at the Chamber show?) and then have the legend do something else come April's big weekender.

She might not be the only one.

Michelle McCool looked great during her own 20-minute Rumble performance, and there's no way Shane McMahon being there near the end of the men's match was some one-off comeback. Shane vs. somebody in Dallas sounds like the kind of thing WWE will stuff onto the card - they've got two nights to fill, after all.

Let's just say that you haven't seen the last of a few golden oldies who burst back into view on Saturday's card. Remember when Carlito stuck around to work a few shots post-Rumble last year? Yeah, this is along those lines.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.