10 New Directions For WWE After Royal Rumble 2022

9. RK-Bro Implodes

Ronda Rousey Becky Lynch

There may be trouble ahead.

WWE have a spotty history when it comes to sticking by tag-teams for longer than a year or so, especially in the modern era. That's why there's a solid chance they'll book Randy Orton to turn heel on Riddle before WrestleMania and then program the RK-Bro boys against one another.

This, in fairness, could be the start of a mega-push for Riddle. A win over "Raaaaaaaandy" in Dallas would give him a leg up towards the top titles, and it's clear he's ready for that. The fact that RK-Bro dropped the Raw Tag-Team belts to Alpha Academy suggests that WWE are over the unlikely double act.

Don't be totally shocked if there's an implosion angle on Raw rather soon. Both these guys would be fine additions to one of the Chamber bouts on 18 February too, so that might also be on the booking sheets. This does seem to be the end of the line for the pair, or close to it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.