10 New Directions For WWE After Royal Rumble 2023

4. Steve Austin’s WrestleMania Build

Sami Zayn WWE Universal Title

It's also time for someone vintage on the 'Mania undercard.

Steve Austin's in-ring comeback was a surprise treat on last year's weekender. His brawl with Kevin Owens clicked, and it did a lot to hide the legend's obvious limitations. WWE would be wise to keep that in mind if they're gonna chuck more money at 'Stone Cold' for another match this year.

Who Austin works with is the million dollar question. Does he get that dream bout vs. Brock Lesnar, or does he slot into a mini-feud against someone younger and give them countless stunners in between beers? That's a question for Triple H, but 'The Game' would likely rather have his old rival on the card(s) than not.

Do not be surprised if Austin returning to the ring for "one more match" is part of the hype for WrestleMania 39's opening night. Failing that, he can always interrupt some sort of promo/intermission segment and stun the t*ts off everyone in sight, but it feels like WWE would prefer a proper match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.