10 New Directions For WWE After Royal Rumble 2023

3. The Usos Losing Tag Gold

Sami Zayn WWE Universal Title

Jey Uso walking out on his Bloodline brethren and refusing to join in on the Sami Zayn kicking says a lot about where WWE booking is headed next. Roman Reigns will question that, and so will his brother Jimmy. In other words, that frost will inevitably cost The Usos at least one set of tag-team belts.

There's a schism, one that'll take a while to close.

This fan fully expects Jey to eventually fall back in line against Sami, but not before dropping the Raw or SmackDown Tag belts in some sort of match with Jimmy. Hell, that could even happen to the winners of this tag tourney WWE has going on with SmackDown right now.

Saturday night might not be the last time Jey walks out on his sibling between now and WrestleMania. The Usos have dominated the tag scene for a long time, and rightfully so, but creative will want fresh blood holding those straps soon.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.