10 New Directions For WWE After WrestleMania 39 (Night 2)

7. ‘King’ Omos?

Cody Rhodes WWE Title Money In The Bank

This would be maybe the most WWE thing ever.

King Of The Ring is right around the corner, and somebody is gonna get that goofy crown and royal gimmick sooner rather than later. Creative handed it to Xavier Woods in 2021, but then barely did anything with the new 'King' before ditching it in favour of his traditional New Day character.

All hail 'King' Omos then. This writer is happy to predict that he'll win the men's tournament in Saudi Arabia on 27 May. Then, MVP can become his "royal advisor" and modern-day fans can experience the pain of 'King' Mabel and 'Sir' Mo all over again.

Nah, it wouldn't actually be as bad as that was. Omos does need a new wrinkle after losing to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 39 though. He can't go on losing marquee bouts on pay-per-view. So, where will WWE turn? Towards the bogus 'King' gimmick, of course.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.