10 New Year's Resolutions For Wrestling Fans In 2018

6. Check Out Something Totally New On The WWE Network

Vince McMahon Bobby Heenan

For many, the main lure of owning a WWE Network subscription comes from launching headfirst into the old pay-per-view library for classic WWF/WWE, WCW and ECW events. Aside from that, WWE's current monthly specials are a big draw. If that's all you get from your '$9.99' then you're missing out on a colourful world of content.

Do yourself a favour. Next time you sit down to watch anything on the Network, have a browse into tabs other than 'Pay-Per-Views' or 'In-Ring'. Reach into the 'Vault' section and be prepared for shows you probably never even knew about, or at least felt tentative about trying. This isn't Dr. Pepper, but what's the worst that could happen?

Episodes of Prime Time Wrestling show a different side to the classic Hulkamania era, and there's even a chance to check out what companies such as World Class or Mid-South Wrestling were doing before Vince McMahon's monopoly swallowed them up.

It's a treasure trove. Dig in.

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Finn Balor
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.