10 New Year's Resolutions For Wrestling Fans In 2018

5. Live Your WrestleMania Dream

WrestleMania 34

This writer was lucky enough to attend his first ever WrestleMania in 2017, and it was something 25 years plus in the making. Whether you're a passive WWE fan these days or not, attending 'Mania is essential if you want to see something special. The atmosphere is magical, the production huge and the emotion high.

If you've found yourself sitting on the fence over the past few years, then 2018 is the year to grab life by the balls and become part of history. Think back to what you watched as a kid and we guarantee you will feel that weight of nostalgia as soon as you scale the steps and that first WrestleMania banner comes into view.

Every pro wrestling fan deserves to feel that.

'Mania is expensive, let's not pretend it isn't. Tickets are costly, hotels operate a supply and demand service (hiking the price up) and even that hot dog you're craving will empty your pockets in the arena itself, but ignore the little voice that says 'don't do it' for once. Do it, and enjoy it even if it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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Finn Balor
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.