10 New Year’s Resolutions WWE Must Make For 2021

6. Lessen Emphasis On Cinematic Matches

Goldberg Universal Title

Resolution: WWE will lessen the number of cinematic matches produced even if fans don't return to arenas.

Why: Cinematic matches have been all the rage in 2020, and understandably so. WWE were keen to experiment throughout the year by producing numerous movie-like set piece bouts like WrestleMania's 'Boneyard' and 'Firefly Fun House' or TLC's 'Firefly Inferno'.

Latter fiery encounter aside, these flashy stunt shows have played before diminishing returns. Wrestling fans are already becoming numb to the overt silliness, and that's because everyone (including AEW, Impact etc) has plundered the idea since last March.

2021 must not rely on them so heavily.

The cinematic feel can still work long-term, but it shouldn't be a general rule of thumb for major feuds. WWE should think about putting less emphasis on these bizarre scenes whether fans are allowed to return to ringside in the near future or not.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.