10 New Year’s Resolutions WWE Must Make For 2021

5. Slow Down Camera Angle Changes

Goldberg Universal Title

Resolution: Someone will have a word with Kevin Dunn and tell him to quit changing camera angles every two seconds.

Why: Look at the picture of Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns above. It was a proud display between two World Champions, and it worked because the cameras lingered on the shot to capture their face-to-face bragging. Now, imagine that same scene with a cam cut every split second.

It's actually a surprise that Kevin Dunn didn't do it.

WWE's production supremo is rather fond of darting from camera to camera. Angles change when wrestlers punch, kick, fly out of the ring, leap off the top turnbuckle, bump and even when they stand still. That WWE vs. Universal Champ showdown was the exception, not the rule.

Dunn would be wise to slow down in 2021 and realise that viewers enjoy seeing a clearer picture. It's pretty hard to concentrate on anything that's on screen when the angle jumps before your eyes can focus.


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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.