10 Nightmares That Could Come True In Vince McMahon's New WWE
3. Goldberg’s Return

In case of emergency, break glass and book a Goldberg match because you can't be arsed to think of anything original. That's been a WWE staple since 2016. Granted, some of Bill's comebacks have produced the goods; his business with Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley, for example, clicked in-ring without ever outstaying any welcomes.
The company surely can't keep throwing cash at Goldberg and expecting fans to like it though. It's 2023, for crying out loud - they've done the squash match machine, aggressive Raw entrance and "WHO'S NEXT?!" promo to death. It's high time WWE took a break from Bill, and vice versa.
Vince McMahon may disagree.
See, he loves the thought of presenting "marquee attractions" that look great on posters (which Goldberg certainly still does). This writer genuinely thought Bill might be Cody Rhodes' tag-team partner on Monday's Raw, especially after hearing that McMahon was on a creative rampage with the booking sheets backstage.
It was logistically silly, but you never know.