10 No-Win WWE Situations

8. Kane's Mask

kane mask

Kane first removed his mask in June of 2003, setting up a renewed push that saw him feud with Shane McMahon for a few months, bury his brother alive, and then get buried himself at WrestleMania - in effect, sending him straight back from whence he came.

Since this time, debates on how to get the Big Red Machine back on track have invariably ended up on the subject of his mask. Should he put it back on? If so, which one - the Michael Myers-style thing he wore originally, or the half-face one?

Ultimately, however, none of these options were ever likely to achieve the desired effect. The whole point of the mask was that you didn't know what Kane looked like underneath. Now that we had seen his face - his largely normal face - the mystery was completely gone.

By leaving him without one, however, he always felt somehow incomplete as a performer. It was kind of like watching Superman without a cape - it just felt wrong, regardless of how many times they tweaked his character.

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