10 Nostalgic WWE Moments That Made Fans Cry

8. Ric Flair Rolls Back The Years At WrestleMania 24

Ric Flair really was finished as a performer heading into 2008. His act had turned into a sad sight, with his in-ring performances being a shameful smear on his past glories. He really had got that bad in the ring and would probably be the first to admit his wrestling had became embarrassing. It was this awareness that resulted in WWE and Flair agreeing to a retirement stipulation match at WrestleMania 24. The opponent would be Shawn Michaels, but going in there really wasn't an expectation that the match would be much good. It ended up being a classic. It deserves to be remembered as one of the best WrestleMania matches of all time; and not just because of Shawn Michaels' excellent work. Ric Flair rolled back the years in a nostalgia laden performance that delivered one of his very finest moments. He pulled out all his most famous spots, even executing the often teased top rope move. His athletic capability was suddenly like the Naitch of old and it brought tears to fans eyes when it looked like he really was going to overcome HBK. Then came the killer moment, HBK whispering "I'm sorry, I love you", before nailing Flair with Sweet Chin Music for the 1-2-3. The tears flowed, with Flair's daughter and current NXT star Charlotte looking particularly devastated in the audience front row.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.