10 Most Notorious CM Punk Urban Legends

1. He Left WWE In 2014 Because He Doesn't Like Triple H & Stephanie McMahon

Story: It was June 27, 2011 when CM Punk was given the opportunity to let loose and "shoot" while sitting at the top of the ramp during Raw in Las Vegas. During the speech, Punk ranted about how WWE was going to b wasn't going to be better after Vince McMahon was dead because, in his opinion, it was "going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family." That was a direct shot at Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. They are going to take over WWE when Vince McMahon steps aside. They're both in positions of power right now. When Punk talked about his issues with WWE over the years, he spoke about some people not really liking him. He didn't name names, but it was believed that Triple H was one of those people. Remember also that prior to Punk's departure in January 2014, he was doing promos against Triple H. It was done to set up a WrestleMania 30 match between them. Hunter didn't really reply to him because it was his way of ignoring it until the right moment. Punk knew that was going to be his feud and he just quit. If he really wanted to work with Triple H he probably would have stuck around because walking away from a nice payday at WrestleMania seems like a foolish move. Why People Believe It: There were all kinds of stories about Triple H not liking him. When Hunter called him a "skinny fat ass" during their feud in 2011, it was a shot at Punk's physique. It's not like Punk is out of shape, but Hunter loves the muscular guys just like Vince does. Should We Believe It: There's probably some truth to it although how much is true we don't know. Punk has spoken about how much he respected Vince McMahon and how they could text at 2am without problems because they were close. With Vince stepping back, Punk could see the writing on the wall. Part of the reason he quit could be because he wanted nothing to do with the Triple H/Stephanie regime. It makes sense. ----- That's it for this week's urban legends. Previous urban legends features have been written about Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar. Who do you want to see next?
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CM Punk
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.