10 Most Notorious CM Punk Urban Legends

5. His Job Was Saved By Shawn Michaels

Story: Punk wasn't liked by everybody in WWE. A lot of the people higher up in the company didn't really get what he was all about. They didn't see why he connected with audiences so well. Former WWE/ECW writer David Lagana recalled a story towards the end of 2006 where people in the meeting were burying Punk. Suddenly a voice of somebody different spoke up: "If you don€™t like something the kid is doing, why don€™t you work with him to fix it...instead of killing him." That voice belonged to the legendary Shawn Michaels. As the story goes, Punk was nearly fired because people in management didn't particularly like him. Instead, the comments of Michaels helped him and Punk was able to thrive in WWE after that although it took some time. Why People Believe It: There are all kinds of stories about Punk having troubles fitting in early in his WWE career, so it makes sense that somebody like Michaels could say something to open up the eyes of management. Should We Believe It: Yes. There was no reason for Lagana to lie about the story. Plus, it's understandable that people in management didn't understand all of what Punk brought to the table. Considering HBK speaking up for Punk helped his career, it's a shame that they never had a major program with Punk as the heel and Michaels as the face. That could have been amazing.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.