10 Most Notorious CM Punk Urban Legends

4. He Really Doesn't Like Part-Time Wrestlers

Story: When The Rock returned to WWE for a three year run from 2011 to 2013, Punk was one of the most vocal guys about it. He wasn't that supportive of the idea because Rock's presence hurt others that were on the roster week after week. Here's a Punk quote from March 2013: "The honest reality of it is you bust your ass for 365 days a year and there€™s other people who come in and they don€™t work as hard, but maybe get paid the same amount of money. So, me as a businessman, it just makes me look at it and go, €˜Okay, that€™s the deal I need to get. I need to get the deal where I work 15 dates a year.€™ You know what I mean? It makes me work harder, but, dammit, it€™s going to burn me out." That sounds like a frustrated guy. That final sentence was also fitting considering he left the company in 2014 because he was believed to be burned out. Another point that needs to be made is Batista came back to WWE as a part timer earlier this year. He was gone from WWE for nearly four years. He was booked to win the Royal Rumble. Perhaps Punk was upset that his buddy Daniel Bryan didn't get the win like he should have. While Punk is friends with Batista, it's the idea that a part timer got rewarded even though others were there on WWE TV doing the work. Why People Believe It: He's an honest guy that was never afraid to say what he wanted. If that's what he thought then that's what he was going to say whether we liked it or not. Others in the company avoided being that direct about things. Not Punk. That's why people believed his comments were genuine. Should We Believe It: Yes and no. The reason it's a yes is because when Rock first came in, Punk was probably upset about it legitimately. However, I'm leaning more towards a no. In 2013, Punk got to work two matches with The Rock, a WrestleMania match with the Undertaker and a match of the year contender with Brock Lesnar. He's the only guy that got to work with all three of those part timers that year. He lost all the matches too.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.