10 Most Notorious Ric Flair Urban Legends

4. He Nearly Went Back To WWE In 1998 Due To Issues With Eric Bischoff

Story: When Flair was in WCW in 1998 he was sued because he missed the April 9, 1998 edition of Thunder. Flair missed the show because he was attending a wrestling event for his son Reid although it did feel a bit ridiculous that he would get sued for it. Apparently WCW felt like they had to go that route because Flair had missed other dates too. It turned into a very personal battle between Flair and WCW President Eric Bischoff, who always seemed to disrespect Flair during that period when WCW was pushing the NWO much harder than Flair's Horsemen group. While Flair was off TV for about five months, there were all kinds of rumors that he was going to get out of WCW and go back to WWE. It didn't happen, though. Flair returned to Nitro in September 1998, did a memorable "You can't fire me, I'm already fired" promo and he also swore at Bischoff repeatedly. It led to a big match between them at Starrcade 1998 as well. They took a lot of real elements from their history and made it feel real. Was Flair close to leaving? That's what we don't know for sure. Why People Believe It: Since he was suspended for about five months, it's understandable for people to think that he might have been released and then signed by WWE. Should We Believe It: If he was free he probably would have gone to WWE because it was such a hot product at the time and they would have been able to pay him , but he wasn't legally able to just leave at that time so we'll never know for sure.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.