10 Most Notorious Vince McMahon Urban Legends

9. He Owns A Yacht Named Sexy Bitch That He Named After Linda McMahon

Story: When Linda McMahon first ran for office in the state of Connecticut the media and her competition were out to expose her. They knew she was from WWE, so that meant they could bring up all the crazy storyline stuff that WWE has done over the years. Of course to counter that, Linda's people would just say "it's all storyline you dummies" and laugh at them for being idiots. One of the interesting items that was discovered during Linda's campaign was that the couple had a 47 foot yacht named "Sexy Bitch" in Boca Raton, Florida. An odd name, right? For a normal person it might be, but Vince is far from normal. Why People Believe It: Vince McMahon is a very eccentric, outgoing individual and he's the kind of guy that would name a yacht after his wife Sexy Bitch. After all, this is a man that pays people to call him a "Genetic Jackhammer" so it makes sense that he would have a yacht named Sexy Bitch. Should We Believe It: Yes. It's been reported as a fact enough that it's believable. One has to wonder if he takes the grandkids on the yacht. Hearing a little kid saying the name of the yacht would be quite entertaining.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.