10 Most Notorious Vince McMahon Urban Legends

7. Not Letting His Writers Eat In Meetings

Story: There was a feature in the now defunct Powerslam magazine in 2009 that had comments from former WWE writers that shared some interesting stories about WWE's creative process. There were a couple of writers that actually complained about the lack of food allowed in meetings. Here's how one unnamed writer put it: "It was just brutal. There was never any food provided in the writers' room - but it wasn't their place to feed us. You did get hungry after three hours, especially when Vince and Stephanie would have their respective assistants bring them lunch and they would eat in front of us." Another writer named Domenic Cotter mentioned that Vince had no problem eating in front of others: "Vince always ate in the meetings. He had some sort of beef wrap with ketchup. The meetings usually ran the entire day (without food)." Why People Believe It: Since there are a lot of horror stories about how tough it is to be a former WWE writer it's believable to think that they don't let writers eat during meetings that last the whole day. It's mean, but for people like Vince & Stephanie McMahon it is believable. Should We Believe It: A little bit, but not totally. It seems unreasonable that WWE would completely ban food from meetings in a work environment. They could get in legal trouble if somebody reported that a major company like WWE was not allowing people to eat. The writer probably experienced it once or twice, but for it to be a regular thing seems pretty ridiculous. Another factor is a lot of former writers are probably bitter about being a former writer, so they might exaggerate stories a little bit.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.