10 Most Notorious Vince McMahon Urban Legends

6. People Accused Him Of Being Gay With Shawn Michaels

Story: Vince McMahon has always had a close relationship with Shawn Michaels. They are very good friends and for many years, Shawn was his top performer. Because of that, rumors began to surface that maybe there was something going on with them. There have been wrestlers that have suggested that there was homosexual relationship between Vince and Shawn. Part of it is because there were times when Shawn would change in Vince's office. He wasn't hanging out with the boys like others did. He got to hang out with Vince. They had a closeness that nobody else had with Vince and because of that there are plenty of rumors out there. Why People Believe It: In the wrestling business, no matter what you say, people will believe anything. We've heard so many crazy stories from so many people that everything is believable at least a little bit. There's also the opinion of those that think Shawn could get away with being a jerk because of how close he was with Vince. Should We Believe It: No. They're both married. They both have kids. That's not to say that there could have been something, but it seems more likely that this was just something said by people that disliked them. Since Shawn was hated by a lot of people for his actions in the 1990s (he was definitely a jerk at times), people didn't like him and saying he was gay with the boss was a way to hurt his image. There's no reason to believe it's true.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.