10 NXT Stars Who Could Feature In The 2015 Royal Rumble

6. Baron Corbin

You want to talk about a guy who has been gaining steam in NXT? Look no further than the 6€™8€ Baron Corbin. The tattooed big man has been finishing off opponents so quickly that the fans at Full Sail University count along until the match ends. How fitting would it be for him to make his main roster debut after a countdown from 10? Corbin was born to be a Royal Rumble standout. He€™s already physically larger than 19 of the 21 competitors announced for the match. He won€™t be lost in the shuffle, that€™s for sure. If there is anything WWE loves about a Royal Rumble participant, it is an imposing presence. Corbin offers that in spades. In a move that would make even more sense, WWE could do a little crossover booking. As I mentioned when discussing Bull Dempsey, a Superstar can easily get involved without legally entering the match. If Corbin were to debut, why not put the spotlight on his current NXT feud with Dempsey by having Bull show up to eliminate him when he least expects it? It might give fans another reason to tune into NXT after seeing these two powerhouses exchange blows.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.