10 NXT Stars Who Could Feature In The 2015 Royal Rumble

5. Hideo Itami

Having only been a part of the NXT roster for a few months, the Japanese icon would make a huge splash if he walked through the curtain for The Royal Rumble. Already announced for the match are participants from the USA, South Africa, England, Puerto Rico, and Bulgaria with rumors of an Irishman€™s presence making the rounds. Why not turn it into a true international affair and give a shot to WWE€™s lone Japanese sensation? Hideo Itami signed with WWE in June of 2014 to much fanfare after building a legendary career in Japan. Since then he has taken NXT by storm, dazzling crowds with his fast-paced, hard-hitting brand of wrestling. The inventor of the Go 2 Sleep could showcase his talents in front of one of WWE€™s most demanding crowds in Philadelphia. With almost fifteen years of in-ring experience, there€™s no reason why Itami wouldn€™t fit right in.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.