10 NXT Superstars That Will Struggle On WWE's Main Roster
It's a long way to the top...
Because of how big NXT has become over the past couple of years, it can be easy to forget that it is still primarily a developmental territory whose grander purpose is to turn the next generation of professional wrestlers into superstars. While the promotion is doing a terrific job of giving its young workers a chance to experience what life in the WWE may be like, it's important to keep in mind that NXT is not WWE. They may emulate their production values and even sometimes their road schedule, but there are things that work in the NXT style that simply don't translate over to the main roster. That puts its biggest stars in an interesting position. While many of the top talent in NXT will become a main roster star one way or another, that doesn't mean they'll be able to walk in the door and hit the ground running. There will be adjustments, there will be growth, and there will be more learning to do. And for these NXT stars, there will be struggles.