10 NXT Superstars Who Will Dominate WWE 2015

7. Tyson Kidd

If spots on the main roster were solely down to wrestling ability, Kidd would be a main eventer. Unfortunately, more often than not, you need to have the full package. Something Kidd didn't have till his recent rebirth in NXT. His work with wife Natalya has breathed new life into his career and has resulted in a growing amount of appearances on the main shows. Taking on the role of the cowardly heel, Kidd has managed to gain 'heat' from NXT audiences by using his ever popular wife as a means to getting out of tricky situations, capitalizing on their 'real life' problems played out on Total Divas. All these shenanigans are a far cry from the pretty boring Hart Dynasty tag team with David Hart Smith. As long as Natalya stays as popular as she is, Kidd is onto a winner. Maybe 2015 could finally be the year when Kidd's undeniable work is matched by his placing on the card.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.