10 NXT Superstars Who Will Dominate WWE 2015

6. Tyler Brezze

Tyler Breeze has been a mainstay at the top of the NXT roster for a while now meaning a call up must be near. Breeze has seven years under his belt and is a former FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion and Tag Team Champion with Roman Reigns' former self, Leakee. 'Prince Pretty' utilizes one of the oldest heel traits in the book well with a modern twist. He so obsessed with his looks he can't stop taking selfies. Tyler has shown he doesn't just have a pretty face, behind it is a real sound wrestling brain that possesses knowledge beyond its years. Breeze is only 26 and has managed to put on a string of high class NXT Championship matches with Adrian Neville and was part of a thrilling programme with Tyson Kidd and Sammi Zayn.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.