10 NXT Superstars Who Will Dominate WWE 2015

5. The Ascension

We all know the problems the current WWE tag team division is going through. Long gone are the days of The Hardys, Dudleys, Edge & Christian and even APA practically killing themselves for championship gold. Currently, it feels like we have seen Gold & Stardust taking on The Usos more than Cena v Orton, such is the lack of depth in the division. Los Matadores haven't really taken off while stables The Shield, Wyatts, Real Americans and Evolution have disbanded. Leaving a lot of room for specialist tag teams to step up. It's bemusing why the likes of The Ascension haven't been called up yet. They are a dominating duo with one of the better team finishes in 'Fall of Man'. It's a shame we haven't seen a series of 'slobberknockers' involving them and the Wyatts, and with Luke Harper appearing alone leading up to Survivor Series, it looks like we never will. WWE need to sort the tag team division out quickly.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.