10 NXT Wrestlers With Glorious Entrances

2. Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura's entrance is genuinely something else. If it were a film, it'd be The Godfather. If it were a novel, it'd be Catcher in the Rye. If it were a TV show, it'd be Breaking Bad (or maybe Breaking Noses, in Samoa Joe's case). It's a bona-fide classic piece of work, incorporating every single thing you'd probably ever want from a wrestler's entrance and violins, which you didn't know you wanted from a wrestler's entrance.

Playing up to the unique, enigmatic persona of Shinsuke, the whole thing is just a roller-coaster of violin induced brilliance and is no doubt helped in being incredible, by every single person in the crowd that sings along to it. It's a sight and sound to behold. Spines will be tingled and bumps will, er, be goosed?

Basically, it's breath-taking. It's awesome. It's fantastic. But there's just that one superlative that it's missing...


Writer. Proud owner of a 1950-2000 Grays Sports Almanac. Has never created a dystopian alternate timeline (yet).