10 NXT/WWE Trades That Should Be Made

1. Kevin Owens For Kofi Kingston

Owenskofi If there€™s anybody in the WWE who it€™s just not in the cards for, it€™s Kofi Kingston. Nearly eight years on the main roster, and the only time Kofi has even sniffed the main event scene was in late 2009 in his program against Randy Orton. Apparently, all it takes is being out of position once to never get another shot at the big time. Now, all Kofi is good for is doing something crazy to avoid elimination in the Royal Rumble each year before eventually being eliminated for good. Enough is enough. He will be better served helping the young guys any way that he can. It€™s just not going to happen for him. Kevin Owens is the most main-roster-ready of anybody in NXT, male or female. He€™s been a master of his craft for a long time now. Obviously, Triple H has faith in him, as he gave Owens a main event position on his first night, and the NXT Championship two months to the day after that. It€™s obvious that Owens isn€™t long for NXT. The question isn€™t €œif,€ it€™s €œwhen.€ Owens for Kingston is the biggest no-brainer trade that WWE can make right now. What do you think of this list? Comment below or follow me on Twitter @PocketSeagull.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.