10 NXT/WWE Trades That Should Be Made

2. Finn Balor For Big E

Balorbige People may not remember this, but Big E was a long-reigning NXT champion who was extremely over with the fans in Florida. His explosiveness, added to his charisma, made him a big hit in developmental. Since being called up, the WWE Universe has yet to really see what Big E is capable of. If he was given even a fraction of a chance to show how funny he can be (he€™s one of the best wrestlers to follow on Twitter), he could get over. Alas, he€™s trapped in the New Day stable. On entrance alone, Finn Balor is ready for prime time. The facepaint, the music, the choreography -- it€™s all mesmerizing. It€™s got money written all over. Anything we can get from him once the bell rings is a huge bonus. It just so happens that he€™s another one of the independent veterans who needs very little seasoning in NXT because he€™s one of the best wrestlers on either roster. His match with Adrian Neville at Takeover: Rival is a Match of the Year Candidate. When the brass talks about the €œit€ factor, Balor has it in spades. He is a bonafide star in the making; the next Seth Rollins. The sooner he can get called up and show a worldwide audience what he can do, the better.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.