10 NXT/WWE Trades That Should Be Made

3. Sami Zayn For Xavier Woods

Zaynwoods If you€™re a New Day fan, you should probably stop reading now. It€™s not going to be looking good for Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston. This gimmick they€™ve been saddled with is not going to get them any looks, and the only shot they possibly have is if they turn heel and are revealed to be a dangerous cult, which is what it looked like at the outset when Xavier Woods, dressed like Malcolm X, brought Kofi and Big E together. Woods hasn€™t had much of an opportunity to show what he can do on the main roster. First, he stole Brodus Clay€™s theme music (and his managers), and now, he€™s lost in the shuffle with one guy who is bigger than him and another who is more experienced and more talented than him. Woods is a veteran who probably doesn€™t need any more seasoning in developmental, but there€™s just no spot for him on the main roster right now. Another veteran who is ready for the big time is Sami Zayn. He recently admitted that March 1 marked 13 years in the wrestling business for him, and unlike the other independent veterans who signed last year, Zayn has the advantage of being in WWE developmental longer, and has gotten the hang of the WWE style. His underdog look and his in-ring skills will get him over on the main roster. People have been clamoring for a Zayn call-up for years. The time is coming soon.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.