10 Obvious Mistakes WWE Keep Making

10. Unrealistic Friendships

Bobby Roode Chad Gable

Is anyone buying Bobby Roode and Chad Gable's newly-formed tag team as anything other than another example of creative doldrums?

This booking reeks of that old chestnut, "creative has nothing for you", and it's one more example to add to the endless stream of thrown-together teams that have plagued 2018. Friendships like this one, the hard-to-stomach situation between Sasha Banks and Bayley, and the ascent of Matt Hardy at Bray Wyatt to the tag titles all share the same problems.

None of them act like real human beings. There's no reason why they have to act so contrived, or why these teams seem to come out of nowhere without proper context.

This kind of hammy unrealistic union - that blatantly only exists so the wrestlers involved have something to do - needs to stop. Roode and Gable have never shown any inkling of working together, and it sucks that fans are suddenly expected to believe they're the best of friends.

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Finn Balor
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.