10 Oddest WCW Storylines Of All Time

7. Seven

Because of its brevity, people often associate the character of Seven as just being in a gimmick when in actuality it was an entire storyline €“ albeit a storyline that was the textbook definition of an odd and possibly misguided narrative. The story of Seven began when creepy vignettes were shown in which Runnels, powdered in all white so that his face pretty much looked like a real life Michael Myers mask, was lurking outside of a child€™s bedroom and commanding him to join him. His deep growling voice, and some interesting filming choices made for a very contrived yet somewhat entertaining series of mysterious vignettes, and implied that a supernatural character of sorts, was going to debut on WCW. This was no doubt inspired largely by the popularity of characters like the Undertaker and Kane in WWE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWtXAtGJ4JQ So far then, this was all pretty straightforward. But when Standards and Practices saw what was happening, they wanted to put the kibosh on the whole thing out of fear that the character could be seen as a child abductor. Thus Russo made the decision that they should kill the character before it even debuted and then things took a turn for the strange. Russo discussed killing the gimmick with Runnels (who created the character) and it was decided that rather than simply cut their losses and abandon all the work they had done with Seven, they€™d give him an entrance where he would cut a worked shoot on the company, the industry, and his history as an over the top performer. This would set the stage for Runnels to abandon the gimmick and then re-debut as simply Dustin Runnels. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkin5d_goldust-wcw-debut-as-seven_sport So Runnels appeared as Seven in what was actually a pretty impressive entrance and then cut a blistering promo which is still remembered today, as much for the confusion it caused amongst the fans watching in the arena and at home, as much for its entertaining content. He then started to wrestle as Dustin Runnels €“ the normal man who was sick of over the top gimmicks like Goldust and Seven. And so that was it €“that was the end of the Seven storyline. Was it convoluted? Yes. Was it odd? Definitely. But what is it also original? Absolutely.
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WCW Goldust
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