10 Old WWE Stars You Won't Believe Are Still Wrestling

8. Savio Vega (52)

Savio Vega 2017

Another who could feasibly work in a multi-man environment is Razor Ramon's old pal Savio Vega. The same age as Tatanka (52), Vega has thankfully resisted the temptation to reprise his old Kwang ninja gimmick and sticks to the street-fighting Puerto Rican character that earned him the most fame in WWE.

Vega was never a huge star, but he must be respected, because he has worked pretty much non-stop since leaving WWE in 1999. Mainly wrestling in his homeland, Savio has also worked as a trainer for TNA and even appeared in the promotion's 'Ring Ka King' offshoot in India between 2011-12. Since then, he's worked primarily for IWA.

Let's hope Vega doesn't still do those painful strap matches on the indies though, because that's a lot of punishment to put your body through for little cash. Anything must be better than playing Kwang, in fairness. That gimmick is one for the scrap heap.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.