10 Oldest WWE Royal Rumble Competitors Ever

9. Terry Funk - 53

Snuka Piper Royal Rumble 2008

Date of Royal Rumble:18 January 1998

Date of Birth: 30 June 30 1944

Eliminations: Tom Brandi, Kurrgan, Cactus Jack

Eliminated by: Mankind

Total Time in Rumble: 25:19

The 1998 Royal Rumble saw Mick Foley enter the match under three separate personas. This allowed Terry Funk (competing as Chainsaw Charlie) to legally eliminate his friend Cactus Jack, only to be thrown out by Mankind later in the match.

Funk entered the rumble second and immediately brought his trademark hardcore weaponry into the match. He lasted an impressive 25 minutes in the rumble.


Philip German hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.